This lesson addresses the topic of online safety in a motivating way, allowing students to discuss issues, share their opinions and ideas and then do some online activities to finish the lesson or as a homework task. Aims: To develop students’ spoken fluency and use of modals for advice Translations: English Portugues हिन्दी Deutsch Français الْعَرَبيّة Bengali Pусский Tiếng Việt Burmese Bahasa Indonesia 한국어 Español ไทย 日本語 Chin 中文 繁體. English Lessons Level 1. Lesson: 1. Where are you from? Level: 1. Lesson: 2. Do you speak English? Level: 1. Lesson: 3. What's your name? Level: 1. Lesson: 4. Asking directions Jon, 26 years old, Edinburgh. I’m a hard-working medical student from Aberdeen in Scotland. I go to the gym four times a week so I’m quite well-built. I do a lot of voluntary work and I’m training to be a doctor. Turn-ons. I’m crazy about blonde-haired, blue-eyed women, I find them really attractive. I like women who are open-minded because I love
ESL Lesson Plan on Online Dating - Breaking News English Lesson
A new Internet scam is targeting people who are looking for love. Conmen are tricking people by using old love letters and romantic language. Conmen buy "scam packs" to help them trick would-be daters. The pack is online and only costs a few dollars.
It includes love-letter templates, photos, online dating english lesson, videos and fake identities. This is all you need to pretend to be someone looking for love. The conmen pretend to be looking for romance on dating sites. They write to their victim and when they become friends, they ask for money. They use many different excuses and reasons why they need money. London police said 3, people were scammed online in The average age of the victims was More women than men were scammed.
A senior police officer described the damage the scams do. He said these crimes destroy lives. He said the emotional damage is usually bigger than the financial loss.
He advised people to never give money to strangers. He said: "Never give money to people you meet online, no matter what emotional sob story the person uses. Online Dating - Level 0Online Dating - Level 1 or Online Dating - Level 3. Make sure you try all of the online activities for this reading and listening - There are dictations, multiple choice, drag and drop activities, crosswords, online dating english lesson, hangman, flash cards, matching activities and a whole lot more.
Please enjoy Conmen aretrickingpeoplebyusingoldlovelettersandromanticlanguage. Con menbuy"scampacks"tohelpthemtrickwould-bedaters.
Thepackiso nlineandonlycostsafewdollars. Itincludeslove-lettertemplates,photo s,videosandfakeidentities. Thisisallyouneedtopretendtobesomeonel ookingforlove. Theconmenpretendtobelookingforromanceondatings ites. Theywritetotheirvictimandwhentheybecomefriends,theyaskfor money. Theyusemanydifferentexcusesandreasonswhytheyneedmo ney. Theaverageageofthevicti mswas Aseniorpoliceofficer describedthedamagethescamsdo. H esaidtheemotionaldamageisusuallybiggerthanthefinancialloss.
Hea dvisedpeopletonevergivemoneytostrangers. Hesaid:"Nevergivemo neytopeopleyoumeetonline,nomatterwhatemotionalsobstorythepe rsonuses. Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this in pairs. When you have finished, interview other students.
Write down their answers. Please look at page 12 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity. Breaking Online dating english lesson English Lesson on Online Dating Home Help This Site. Free English Lesson Websites. LISTEN Online Dating - Level 2. READ 3-speed reading Print the lesson. MATCH Text jumble 1 Text jumble 2 Sentence match. SPELL Consonants Vowels Missing letters Initals only No letters.
WORDS Missing words No spaces Gap fill. SEE MORE Online Dating - Level 0 Online Dating - Level 1 Online Dating - Level 3. E-mail this to a friend RSS Feed.
A new Internet scam is looking for love to help them trick would- fake They write to They use many different reasons why they. their victim excuses identities need money targeting people letters love be daters. London police said 3, people The average amount of The average age A senior police these crimes online dating english lesson emotional never give money people should always be.
damage of the victims lives on their guard were scammed to strangers officer money lost. Write about this topic for 10 minutes. Please online dating english lesson your answers against the article above. Back to the top. Please consider helping Breaking News English, online dating english lesson.
Topic: Dating (Upper-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan)

· Date British Guys is a popular dating site that brings together British men and American women. The folks behind this free site know there’s just something special about that relationship combination — namely because its two founders are an American woman and a British man. Date British Guys has been featured on BBC, the Telegraph, and other media outlets and has dozens of This lesson addresses the topic of online safety in a motivating way, allowing students to discuss issues, share their opinions and ideas and then do some online activities to finish the lesson or as a homework task. Aims: To develop students’ spoken fluency and use of modals for advice · In the lesson, students watch a video and do a listening exercise about a date Will Smith has with Sophia, the humanoid robot. It's a short, minute and a lot of fun. The lesson includes discussion questions and conversation activities about artificial intelligence, robots, & dating. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms, phrases, and expressions from the video. In the video,
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